As we spoke about in An Introduction to Alternative Medicine, many different natural therapies are becoming very popular in our society these days. We already learned the basics of herbal medicine here, here and here. Another of my favorite natural modalities is Homeopathy.
Many people misunderstand the word “homeopathy” and think it to be the equivalent of “home remedies”. In reality, Homeopathy is a unique and complete system of natural medicine developed hundreds of years ago and practiced by close to 500 million people around the world today.
Homeopathy is a wonderfully safe, effective and gentle healing art that was founded in the late 1700’s by a physician named Samuel Hahnemann in Germany.
The practice of Homeopathy is based mainly on three fundamental principles. Let’s take a quick look at each of them.
The Law of Similars
The first fundamental principle of homeopathy is based on the Law of Similars; the principle of “like cures like”. Hahnemann called this the similimum. This has also been stated as: Similia Similibus Curentur – let like be cured by like. This concept has been acknowledged since the times of the ancient philosophers and physicians. Hippocrates, Galen and Paracelsus have all touched on the philosophy of the Law of Similars.
What this means is that a disease can only be cured by a remedy that produces the same or similar symptoms, when given to healthy people, that the disease produces in those who are afflicted with it.
So, for example, a condition like hay fever, which produces uncomfortable, watery eyes and runny nose would be treated with Allium cepa (a remedy made from the onion plant) because onions can produce the same symptoms in a healthy person.
The Infinitesimal Dose
The second principle of homeopathy is that of the infinitesimal dose. One of Hahnemann’s driving forces behind his search for a better system of medicine was his disgust for the medical treatments of the time. The administration of massive doses of poisonous medicines, common at the time, led him to state in par 2 of the Organon of Medicine (Hahnemann’s definitive work on the healing art and science of Homeopathy), “ The highest ideal of therapy is to restore health rapidly, gently, permanently; to remove and destroy the whole disease in the shortest, surest, least harmful way, according to clearly comprehensible principles.”
He designed his original provings to gradually reduce the dose to determine the smallest dose that would still remain therapeutically effective. By coincidence, what he found was that not only are infinitesimally small doses even more therapeutically effective, but they are also completely free from the side effects that may be present in larger doses.
The Treatment of the Whole Person
Homeopathy is a very individualized modality of medicine. It aims to treat the whole person, to bring about a rebalancing of the vital force, and complete disappearance of all symptoms, or in other words, a total cure.
In homeopathy, the remedy is matched to the individual, as well as to the symptoms, so people who have the same symptoms may receive different remedies. The entire makeup of the patient –their constitution – is taken into consideration when choosing a homeopathic remedy. Hahnemann says in the Organon, par 5: “In bringing about a cure the physician should consider: the evident physical constitution of the patient (especially in chronic affections), his affective and intellectual character, his activities, his way of life, his habits, his social position, his family relationships, his age, his sexual life, etc.” The remedy is matched in every way to the patient – physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, according to lifestyle, environment and family medical history. Determining whether a person is anxious, overweight, straight forward and light haired, or confidant, thin, artistic and dark haired can make all the difference in prescribing the correct remedy for that particular person. This shows that homeopathy is indeed a “wholistic” form of treatment and it is, in fact, the third principle of homeopathy – to treat the patient as a unique individual and not just a set of symptoms, or the bearer of a disease.
A fascinating and effective form of natural medicine, homeopathy is becoming accepted in more and more segments of society around the world. In fact, the government of Switzerland recently released a report in favor of homeopathy and its inclusion in their country’s national health care system.
In the next installment, we will look further into specific homeopathic remedies, their uses and why they should be included in your home medicine kit.
With cold and flu season underway, many of our families are being hit hard by illness. In fact, some people have learned to just expect that at least one member of their family will be sick at all times throughout the winter season. Colder temperatures and inclement weather have most of us spending much more time indoors, with doors and windows closed, breathing recirculated air and wishing for the sun to come out again.
The cold and flu season hits us every year, and every year the media plays on our fears and leaves us feeling helpless to keep ourselves healthy. Over the last few years the media circus has been quite intense and, unfortunately, the public is often in a frenzy of panic.
I want to empower people to be in charge of their own health and wellness.
We are far from helpless when it comes to preventing and treating winter colds and flus. Natural remedies abound for the prevention and treatment of these types of illnesses. I’d like to illustrate just a few of the ways we can accomplish the goal of staying well during the winter season using natural modalities.
In this post, I’ll delve into some of the more practical tools and techniques that can be used effectively to prevent and alleviate winter illnesses and the symptoms that go along with them.
In looking more deeply at the first factor, it is important to realize that exposure to fresh air and the natural environment on a regular basis is critical to our health. There has been much awareness lately around the Japanese practice of shinrin-yoku or “forest bathing”. It is attracting attention because of recent studies showing improved immune function and mental health from the practice. It turns out that what we have known all along is true – when we are more to connected to the natural world around us, we are healthier.
Physical Activity
Because we are spending more time indoors, for most of us, that also means we are less physically active. There have been numerous studies linking physical activity with better immunity. I think the key thing to think about here is that while we may be more limited in the options for physical activity, there are still many ways to keep our bodies moving during the winter. Yoga, Tai Chi and various forms of dance are great ways to keep your body moving and to maintain flexibility the whole year round.
Many of us tend to gravitate more toward food in the winter. There are a variety of reasons for this: holiday celebrations, spending more time inside, closer to the kitchen, feeling the need to nurture ourselves and families, feeling pulled into a sort of natural hibernation mode which results in the need to store up food to last us through the cold season, etc. All of these are good things, though. And, I think that doing these things more mindfully and selectively can actually help to keep us healthy instead of being a factor of illness.
As an extension of the previous thoughts, I feel it is vital to step back into the natural flow of health and well-being that can only come from understanding how we are all part of the cycles of nature. Winter is a time when all the natural world slows down, takes time to sleep and dream and gather energy for the rebirth of the spring. This is an invitation for us to do the same. When we ignore that opportunity to rebuild our energy stores and nurture ourselves in quieter, gentler, more restorative ways, we miss out on the opening to take our health to the next level. Winter is a time of introspection and envisioning our future. If we choose to come into the awareness of the flow of nature, our body, mind, and spirit will follow suit and exist within the flow of health and well-being.
One of the best ways to stay healthy is to focus on prevention first. A healthy diet centered around nutrient-dense foods, including an abundance of vitamin-packed organic vegetables and fruits and clean, pure water, is of course, your most effective ally in preventing illness. However, there are many other tools in the health toolkit, as well.
Elderberry – This is one of the most common (for good reason) and effective herbal remedies to keep your immune system in top form throughout the year, but especially throughout the cold and flu season. There are many ways to prepare elderberry, but you can read about my absolute favorite here.
Fire Cider – All the rage right now in the herbal world, Fire Cider recipes can be individualized to suit your unique needs and tastes and is, personally, my first line of defense against infectious illnesses. It’s so simple to make and use. Here is a quick and easy tutorial to follow.
Adaptogens – Adaptogens are a class of herbs that have gained a lot of attention in the press lately. As their name suggests, they help the body ‘adapt’ to stress. Since, even among conventional health practitioners, it is known that stress contributes to the vast majority of disease states and almost 90% of doctor visits, helping the body deal with stress more effectively is a priority to maintain health. Here are just a few adaptogens you might want to consider to optimize your own well-being.
Onset of Illness
There are a few remedies that can nip a cold or flu in the bud if taken at the very start of an illness. As soon as symptoms are felt, taking these remedies can shorten the severity and length of an illness and sometimes prevent it altogether.
Oscillococcinum – This is a homeopathic remedy that is well-known for preventing a full-blown cold or flu when taken at the very onset of the illness. I have personally used it may times and can attest to its effectiveness.
Influenzinum – Another homeopathic remedy that can halt the flu in its tracks. Again, it should be taken at the very first signs of symptoms in order to be effective.
Fire Cider – I am listing this herbal remedy again because, not only is it effective at prevention of illness, but I have found that if I load up on Fire Cider (take a teaspoon every few hours) at the first sign of illness, I can completely avert the illness from taking hold.
Addressing Symptoms of Illness
Once a cold or flu has been contracted and symptoms are being experienced, it is important to support the body so that it can do its job of dealing with the disease state and bringing the body back to a balanced state of health. There are so many different symptoms one can experience while ill, and so many wonderful remedies to address those possible symptoms, it is beyond the scope of this post to address them all. However, you might want to look at my previous article about what to stock in your home medicine kit to get an idea of all the possible remedies you might want to have on hand and which symptoms they can address.
Rest – One of the most crucial, but overlooked, remedies for addressing an illness is rest. Our bodies heal when we are at rest. If we are dealing with a sickness, our body will need extra time to rest in order to do its healing work. If we insist on maintaining our daily schedules and routines, we are overburdening our bodies at the critical time that it really needs our support to heal and recover.
Fluids – In order to shunt more energy to the immune system to deal with an illness, the body diverts energy from other systems, including digestion. One of the best ways to support the body during illness is not to overload it with food, but to focus instead on fluids. Pure, clean water is important, as well as broths (vegetable or bone) and electrolyte solutions, if needed. A great homemade electrolyte solution can be found here.
Herbal Support
Gut/Detox – “Start with the gut” is a motto that many natural practitioners stand by. If the GI tract is not able to digest properly, then nothing you put into it will be as effective as it should be. Here are some herbs that are specific for healing the gut.
Aloe – soothing and healing to the lining of the GI tract
Ginger – carminative, good for nausea, diffusive, warming, anti-inflammatory
Dandelion/burdock/yellow dock – alteratives, liver & gallbladder support and detoxification
Calendula – antiseptic, healing to mucus membranes of the GI tract, astringent
Plantain – emollient & astringent, healing to GI tract
Immune – These herbs support the immune system and its function in a variety of ways.
Nourishing Infusions – This category of herbs can be considered as intensely nourishing foods for your body. They are high in mineral and vitamin content and can be taken by the quart daily for prevention of disease and well as recuperation: stinging nettle, oatstraw, evening primrose, red raspberry, red clover, violet leaf, alfalfa and linden.
Homeopathic Support
Another category of natural remedies that can be used very successfully to treat colds and flus is homeopathy. Following are just a few of the most effective remedies to consider.
Onset of illness– These remedies can be used at the first sign of symptoms and can often nip an illness in the bud: oscillococcinum, influenzinum, Arsenicum, Aconite
Symptomatic – The following remedies help the body deal with various symptoms that are often experienced during cold and flu infections.
Constitutional – Having a professional Homeopath find your constitutional remedy is very useful in that it can be used whenever the body is experiencing symptoms to bring it back into balance and activate its innate healing capabilities.
There are so many exceptional, effective ways to keep healthy naturally throughout the year! Which of the remedies and modalities above have you used? What are your favorites?
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~Heal Your Family with Nature’s Remedies~
Craft a Natural Home Medicine Kit
It wasn’t that long ago when every home had an herbal or homeopathic medicine kit filled with natural remedies to treat injuries or illnesses that family members might encounter. These days it is not so common and many people feel at a loss when they are faced with a feverish child at 2 am, the beginnings of a respiratory infection, or a finger burned from a kitchen mishap. Not only is it common sense to have a natural medicine kit at home, but it is inexpensive to put together and quite empowering to realize that you have the ability to heal yourself and your family of just about any acute illness or injury that you may encounter.
Following is a brief summary of some of the items you may want to include in your natural home medicine kit. They can be purchased ready made, but most of them you can make yourself very easily and inexpensively. A combination of any or all of the herbal items listed below would make a great addition to any home.
Herbal Remedies
Aloe vera – Aloe has been used throughout a long portion of our history in treating and healing burns and other minor skin irritations. The best way to use aloe is directly from the plant itself. Break off a plump piece and slice it open. Apply the clear sap inside directly to the burned or irritated area. It is this sap that has been shown to have pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties.
Calendula cream – This is the first thing we reach for whenever one of the children has a cut, scratch, scrape or rash. Historically, Calendula has been used in reducing inflammation, promoting wound healing, and as an antiseptic. It has been used to treat a variety of skin diseases including skin ulcerations and eczema.
Echinacea Tincture – Echinacea is a wonderful immune boosting herb – anti-viral as well as anti-bacterial. Topically useful for stings and bites (it is a Native American snakebite remedy), as well as skin infections, echinacea is a staple for the home medicine kit. Echinacea is useful for poisonous insect and snake bites, toothaches, sore throat, wounds, childhood illnesses, upper respiratory infections, the common cold, sinusitis, influenza, herpes, lymphatic swelling and skin ulcers.
Elderberry Elixir – This is an essential remedy to have on hand, especially during the cold and flu season. Rich in vitamins A, B and C, elderberry supports immune system functioning and is one of the best remedies for viral infections. Useful for colds, flus, respiratory afflictions, fevers and upset stomachs. You can read more here.
Garlic – I have heard many herbalists say that if they were stranded on a desert island and could have only one medicine with them – it would be garlic! It is a powerful broad-spectrum antibiotic and has been used to ward off everything from the common cold to the Plague. Some of the ailments it has been used to treat include wounds, ulcers, skin infections, flu, athlete’s foot, some viruses, strep, worms, respiratory ailments, high blood pressure, blood thinning, cancer of the stomach, colic, colds, kidney problems, bladder problems, and ear aches. Incorporating garlic, especially raw, into your daily diet is a key part of keeping your body healthy and your immune system functioning at optimal levels. You can read more about the benefits of garlic here.
Ginger – Ginger is an excellent anti-inflammatory herb as well as an important digestive remedy. It is useful for a broad range of ailments such as: nausea, motion sickness, diarrhea, colic, arthritis, rheumatism, colds flus, headaches, poor circulation and heart conditions. In Asia is it considered a longevity herb.
Plantain/Comfrey/Self-Heal/Chickweed salve – All of these herbs have excellent wound healing properties and one or all of them alone, or in combination with the above mentioned Calendula and St John’s Wort, would make a great salve or ointment for most skin ailments you may encounter.
St John’s Wort
St John’s Wort salve – While many people these days are aware of St John’s Wort for it’s anti-depressant benefits, they may not be aware that it is one of the best topical anti-inflammatory and wound healing herbs to be found. Some of the ailments that can be helped by the topical use of St John’s Wort include bruises, wounds, burns, hemorrhoids, sunburn, herpes sores, varicose veins, sciatica, nerve pain, rheumatism and arthritis.
Yarrow – Yarrow is considered a common weed, but is an extremely useful one (as most weeds are). It is an antiseptic, antispasmodic, astringent, digestive and tonic herb. It can be used for colds and flu, stomach ulcers, amenorrhea, abdominal cramps, abscesses, trauma and bleeding, and to reduce inflammation.
Homeopathic Remedies
For homeopathic remedies, choosing the 6c or 30c potency is usually the best option for laypersons and those potencies are readily available. Dosage, in acute conditions, may be 1 or 2 pellets repeated every 1/2 to 1 hour if necessary, up to 3 doses. Dosage frequency can then be reduced to 3 times a day for a couple of days, if necessary. Here are some basics, for the beginner, on homeopathy.
Aconite – This remedy is considered the “A” in the ABC of Children’s Remedies. Aconite is indicated at the onset of chills and colds, especially those that begin after exposure to a cold wind. Symptoms can include frequent sneezing, hot clear liquid from the nose, fever and thirst. Aconite is also indicated for mental trauma, fear and shock. Irritability, restlessness and anxiety are often present.
Apis – This is a great remedy for stings and bites, especially those of wasps and other insects. It is particularly indicated in bites that burn, itch, sting and swell with redness and heat and feel better with cool applications.
Arnica – One of the most well known homeopathic remedies, Arnica is an excellent first aid treatment for physical trauma of any kind. Falls, bruises, strains, wounds, muscle soreness and swelling yield particularly well to Arnica. It also available in cream form.
Arsenicum – Arsenicum has many uses, one of which is for vomiting and nausea due to food poisoning – particularly from bad meat. It is also an excellent remedy for colds with painful sneezing and thin, watery nasal discharge, where the person is very chilly and thirsty, but only for small sips of water.
Belladonna – This remedy is the “B” in the ABC’s of Children’s Remedies. It is indicated in conditions like fevers and headaches where there is sudden onset, throbbing pains, red, hot skin and dilated pupils. It can also be used for scalds or burns, if there is throbbing present and inflammation is starting.
Chamomile – Chamomile is the “C” in the ABC’s of Children’s Remedies. One of the symptoms that almost always indicates this remedy is that one cheek is hot and red, while the other is cold and pale. Useful for teething infants, pain and fever, especially in those who are very sensitive to pain. Other symptoms are intense irritability, restlessness, temper tantrums and children who only calm down when carried.
Hypericum – This remedy is extremely helpful in wounds and trauma that involve nerve endings, fingers, toes or spine or those injuries that cause intense pain. Examples are slamming fingers in the door or stubbing the toe.
Ledum – Ledum is the prime remedy to use for puncture wounds. It is also useful for bites and stings that feel cold (opposite of Apis, above).
Nux Vomica – This remedy is indicated in indigestion, nausea and vomiting which results from nervous strain, stress, overwork or overindulgence in food and drink – the hangover remedy. It is also useful in colds where the nose streams in a warm room, but is stuffed up at night. The person is extremely chilly, cannot warm up and is very irritable.
Pulsatilla – Pulsatilla also can be indicated in indigestion, but from rich or fatty foods. However, it is better known for conditions such as earaches, headaches and colds. In all cases there is usually thirstlessness, amelioration from the open air and aggravation from warm, stuffy rooms.
Rhus Tox – Useful in cases of joint injuries, sprain, muscular stiffness after over-exertion or exposure to cold and wet conditions, Rhus Tox is also a great remedy for poison oak and chicken pox, as well as colds and coughs. Some of the main symptoms indicating this remedy are restlessness, feeling worse from beginning to move, but feeling better after continued motion, feeling worse at night and from uncovering, but better from warmth.
Nettle (Urtica)
Urtica Urens – This is an excellent remedy for first degree burns as well as sunburn and nettle stings, or other rashes from plant contact. You can read more about Urtica (Stinging Nettle) and it’s herbal uses here.
Rescue Remedy – A combination of 5 of the Bach Flower Remedies, Rescue Remedy is useful to have with you at all times for helping to deal with any sort of trauma, whether mental, emotional or physical. It is calming, relaxing and helps to restore balance. I have found it very useful for tantruming children as well as stressed out Mamas.
Essential Oils – Essential oils are extremely potent and must be used with care. If applying topically, ALWAYS dilute them first. Here is more information on how to use essential oils properly and safely.
Lavender essential oil is calming, relaxing and useful for soothing bug bites and burns. It is also extremely effective for relieving the pain of headaches and ear infections.
Tea Tree is very anti-microbial and can be used for disinfecting. It is also great to inhale for relieving stuffy sinuses and respiratory issues.
Oregano is another potent anti-microbial essential oil. Useful for infections and is also anti-inflammatory.
Peppermint essential oil has many uses, including soothing sore muscles, relieving pain and calming nausea.
Helichrysum is a superior essential oil for healing old wounds, calming inflammation and reducing scar tissue.
Basic First Aid Supplies -Here is a list of basic supplies to have on hand in your medicine chest so you can be prepared for any minor acute situation that might occur.
Assorted sizes of band-aids, including wound closure strips
Travel sewing kit which contains needle, thread, safety pins
Flannel fabric/wash cloth
Fingernail clippers
Plastic eye cup
Ace bandage
Disposable lighter
Various tape
Hydrogen peroxide
Cotton swabs
Cotton balls
Gauze pads
Instant Hand warmers
Bottle of water
Although needs will vary from family to family, having these items on hand will not only cover most minor situations that may occur, but give you peace of mind – knowing you are prepared and have the ability to take care of your family’s health naturally.
What is in your natural home medicine kit?
~ Vanessa Nixon Klein~ Traditional Naturopath, Herbalist, Homeopath, Aromatherapist and Nutrition Expert
Assisting people who are ready to build a natural lifestyle and take responsibility for their own health to achieve and maintain wellness through lifestyle enrichment and transformation as well as natural health and beauty techniques including herbalism, homeopathy, nutrition, aromatherapy and physical movement is Vanessa’s specialty.
At last…a safe and effective method of protection from infectious disease and an alternative to vaccines! A program developed in Australia by Dr Isaac Golden, “HP” (homeoprophylaxis) has been subjected to a 15 year clinical trial. The results of this study, including the safety and efficacy of HP, are published in Dr. Golden’s recent publication Homeoprophylaxis- A Fifteen Year Clinical Study.
The goal of HP is to introduce into the human system safe, homeopathic versions of particular diseases in order to naturally stimulate the immune system. As a result, susceptibility to targeted diseases can be reduced.
With Dr Golden’s permission, Kate Birch, author of Vaccine Free, and Cilla Whatcott have adapted his program to reflect the needs of families internationally. Together Kate and Cilla have authored The Solution ~ Homeoprophylaxis The Vaccine Alternative ~ A Parent’s Guide to Educating Your Child’s Immune System.
In addition to protecting your children from infectious contagious disease, your participation and the data received by your participation, will be applied towards the general momentum for establishing HP internationally as a viable option for disease prevention.
Some research has demonstrated that after completion of programs like this, blood titers reflect antibody levels indicating immunity. Blood titers are not a required aspect of this program. However, if you are so inclined to determine your child’s immunity, they can be ordered under the care of your general practitioner.
The Program
• Individualized 1 hour appointment to explain the program
• Four years of HP remedies for the most commonly vaccinated diseases
• Additional remedies for special needs (foreign travel, or disease outbreaks)
• Four years of any necessary consultation during the program
• Can be started at any time even if some vaccines have been given
• No more needles
• No toxic substances
• No side effects
This program is suitable for:
• Children who have not been vaccinated
• partially vaccinated children
• Children who have been fully vaccinated.
Overview of the Homeoprophylaxis Program
Supplied with the program are sufficient remedy doses for 1, 2, or 3 children to complete 4 years of Homeoprophylaxis (HP) to the most commonly vaccinated against diseases. Additional remedies may be added to the Main Program if there are special circumstances or needs. i.e., for foreign travel, special concerns, or disease outbreaks. Additional remedies may be purchased separately. The nosodes selected for the Main Program are based on current disease prevalence and or risk factors. If the incidence of any of the diseases not included in the Main Program increases, it is possible to add the pertinent additional remedies. (Hep A or B, Diphtheria, Chickenpox, Rotovirus and Influenza are not a part of the current program for various reasons.)
The goal of HP is to introduce into the human system the energetic components (nosodes) of particular diseases in order to stimulate the immune system to produce immunity. Homeopathic Nosodes, such as the remedies included in the kit provided, are potentized preparations of the relative disease germ or human discharges produced in relationship to that particular germ. Upon repetition of the particular remedy it is understood that some aspect of susceptibility to that disease has been fulfilled. Some research has demonstrated that after completion of programs like this blood titers demonstrate antibody levels indicating immunity. Antibody titers draws are not a required aspect of this program. However, if you are so inclined to determine your child’s immunity at any point during the program, they can be ordered under the care of your general practitioner. Please indicate on the questionnaire forms if you have had blood titers drawn and their results. For those who have been partially vaccinated blood titers may indicate if immunity was generated from vaccination. When this program is funded by a research institution antibody-titers will be included as a part of the program.
*The content of this website is not to be misconstrued as medical advice nor does it replace the consult of a physician or practitioner. Reader assumes the responsibility of investigating for themselves disease prevention and treatment methodologies that concur with their beliefs and understanding.
For more in-depth information or to set up and appointment, Contact Vanessa
Out of the 3,000 or so homeopathic remedies available today, the one single remedy that is undoubtedly the most commonly used and well known among professionals and lay people alike is Arnica.
Arnica is well known for it’s affinity for bruised, swollen tissues and sore muscles. It is often referred to as “the sportsman’s remedy” because of its ability to bring relief to injuries, such as those that occur during sports activities.
Arnica montana
Arnica is almost specific for bruising. The keynotes of this remedy include physical injuries, trauma, strains and sprains. It is a fast acting remedy and the main emphasis of it’s features is physical trauma. It is also used for exhaustion stemming from physical exertion. It is indicated in neck stiffness from sudden movement or exertion, sprains – especially in wrists and ankles, from over-exertion. It is often prescribed topically in cream, gel or ointment form as well as orally, but it should not be applied to broken skin.
Although physical trauma is definitely the main reason arnica is usually prescribed, there are many other indications for its use as well. Arnica is highly indicated in cases of shock (physical or mental) especially when the lower part of the body is cold, but the head and upper part is hot. It is particularly beneficial for surgical shock when given before and after surgery.
It may also be indicated in cases of gout, rheumatism, constipation and indigestion (if it is due to shock). Inflammatory conditions of almost any nature, such as liver, kidney and lung (pneumonia) inflammation may respond to arnica if the whole picture fits. There is almost always a sore, bruised feeling over the whole body. There is often a fear of being touched – when you try to help them, they may pull back and say “I’m fine. I don’t need help”. People needing arnica often have a very sensitive body. The bed always feel too hard for them. Constitutional symptoms may include: those with a nervous, fearful disposition, especially in women; those with red, full faces, those who may have been affected by an injury of may years previous; those susceptible to cerebral congestion and those who dislike travel.
Far from being an acute remedy limited to bruising and swelling, as you can see, Arnica has a multitude of constitutional and chronic uses as well.
The following is a compilation of excerpts from an article written by Louise Mclean, LCCH MHMA, editor of Zeus Homoeopathy News and
FACT: Hippocrates ‘The Father of Medicine’ of Ancient Greece said there were two Laws of Healing: The Law of Opposites and the Law of Similars. Homeopathy treats the patient with medicines using the Law of Similars, orthodox medicine uses the Law of Opposites, e.g. antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, anti-convulsants, anti-hypertensives, anti-depressants, anti-psychotics.
FACT: Homeopathic theories are based on fixed principles of the Laws of Nature – unlike medical theories which are constantly changing!
FACT: Homeopathy is an evidence-based, empirical medicine.
FACT: Homeopathy is both an art and a science.
FACT: The Homeopathic PROVINGS of medicines are a more scientific method of testing than the orthodox model of RCTs or double blind trials.
FACT: Homeopathic medicine awakens and stimulates the body’s own curative powers. The potentised remedy acts as a catalyst to set healing into motion.
FACT: Homeopathic medicines work by communicating a current/pattern/frequency of energy via the whole human body to jump start the body’s own inherent healing mechanisms.
FACT: Homeopathy assists the body to heal itself, to overcome an illness which brings the patient to a HIGHER level of health. Orthodox medicine suppresses the illness, bringing the patient to a lower level of health.
FACT: The homeopathic practitioner endeavors to search for and treat the CAUSE of the disease in order to heal the EFFECT.
FACT: Outcomes of homeopathic treatment are measured by the LONG TERM curative effects of prescribing and complete eradication of the disease state.
FACT: The homeopathic practitioner treats the WHOLE PERSON, believing all symptoms are interrelated and seeks to select a medicine which most closely covers them all.
FACT: Homeopathy works FAST in acute illnesses, slower in chronic illness.
FACT: Homeopathic medicine has been proven extremely effective in Epidemics such as cholera, typhoid, diptheria, yellow fever, polio and influenza and were used extensively in 19th century.
FACT: Homeopathic remedies are cheap.
FACT: Pharmaceutical medicines are expensive.
FACT: Homeopathy is the 2nd most popular and widely used medicine in the world.
FACT: There are more than 4,000 homeopathic medicines.
FACT: Homeopathic medicines have no toxic side-effects.
FACT: Homeopathic medicines are NON-ADDICTIVE.
FACT: In 200 years, there has never been a single homeopathic medicine recalled, unlike pharmaceutical medicines.
FACT: Every true homeopathic medicine is made using ONE SUBSTANCE – whether plant, mineral, metal, etc. The exact substance is known, unlike most modern drugs where we are rarely informed of the ingredients.
FACT: Any remedy up to a 12c or a 24x potency still contains the original molecules of the substance and this is known as Avogadro’s number.
FACT: Every Patient is Unique so homeopathic medicines are individualized.
FACT: Homeopaths treat genetic illness, tracing its origins to 6 main genetic causes or ‘miasms’: Tuberculosis, Syphilis, Gonorrhoea, Psora (scabies), Cancer, Leprosy.
FACT: High fevers will drop within minutes after taking the homeopathic medicine Belladonna or Aconite.
FACT : In the United States in the early 1900s there were 22 homeopathic medical schools and over 100 homeopathic hospitals, 60 orphanages and old people’s homes and 1,000+ homeopathic pharmacies.
FACT: Members of the American Medical Association had great animosity towards homeopathy after its formation in 1847 and it was decided to purge all local medical societies of physicians who were homeopaths.
FACT: Big Pharma does not want the Public to find out how well homeopathy works!
FACT: In 2005 World Health Organization brought out a draft report which showed homeopathy was beneficial causing Big Pharma to panic and the Lancet to bring out an editorial entitled ‘The End of Homeopathy’.
FACT: In 2005 the Lancet tried to destroy homeopathy but were only looking at 8 inconclusive trials out of 110 of which 102 were positive. This was a fraudulent analysis.
“The meta-analysis at the centre of the controversy is based on 110 placebo-controlled clinical trials of homeopathy and 110 clinical trials of allopathy (conventional medicine), which are said to be matched. These were reduced to 21 trials of homeopathy and 9 of conventional medicine of ‘higher quality’ and further reduced to 8 and 6 trials, respectively, which were ‘larger, higher quality’. The final analysis which concluded that ‘the clinical effects of homoeopathy are placebo effects’ was based on just the eight ‘larger, higher quality’ clinical trials of homeopathy. The Lancet’s press release did not mention this, instead giving the impression that the conclusions were based on all 110 trials.”
FACT: There have been many clinical trials that prove homeopathy works. In the past 24 years there have been more than 180 controlled, and 118 randomized, trials into homeopathy, which were analyzed by four separate meta-analyses. In each case, the researchers concluded that the benefits of homeopathy went far beyond that which could be explained purely by the placebo effect.
FACT: The Bristol Homeopathic Hospital carried out a study published in November 2005 of 6500 patients receiving homeopathic treatment. There was an overall improvement in health of 70% of them.
FACT: Homeopathy can never be properly tested through double blind randomized trials because each prescription is individualized as every patient is unique. Therefore 10 people with arthritis, for example, may all need a different homeopathic medicine.
FACT: Homeopathic medicines are not tested on animals.
FACT: Homeopathic medicines work even better on animals and babies than on adults, proving this cannot be placebo effect.
FACT: Homeopathy is safe for women to take while pregnant and safe for old people.
FACT: Scientists agree that if and when homeopathy is accepted by the scientific community it will turn established science on its head.
FACT: The popularity of homeopathy has grown in the past 30 years, its revival entirely through word of mouth and estimated to be growing at more than 20% a year the world over!
FACT: Hundreds of famous people throughout the past 200 years have enjoyed the benefits of homeopathic medicine.
FACT: The Royal Families of Europe use homeopathic medicine and Queen Elizabeth II of England never travels anywhere without her homeopathic vials of medicine.
FACT: Homeopathy is practised nowadays in countries all over the world. In India there are 100 homeopathic medical schools and around 250,000 homeopathic doctors!
FACT: In a recent Global TGI survey where people were asked whether they trust homeopathy the following percentages of people living in urban areas said YES: 62% in India, 58% Brazil, 53% Saudi Arabia, Chile 49%, United Arab Emirates 49%, France 40%, South Africa 35%, Russia 28%, Germany 27%, Argentina 25%, Hungary 25%, USA 18%, UK 15%.
FACT: The media as a whole has been unwilling to air a defense of the efficacy of homeopathy and the validity of this 250 year old profession.
Homeopathy is a wonderfully safe, effective and gentle healing art that was founded in the late 1700’s by a physician named Samuel Hahnemann in Germany.
The practice of Homeopathy is based mainly on three fundamental principles:
* The Law of Similars
* The Infinitesimal Dose
* The Treatment of the Whole Person
The first fundamental principle of homeopathy is based on the Law of Similars; the principle of “like cures like”. Hahnemann called this the similimum. This has also been stated as: Similia Similibus Curentur – let like be cured by like. This concept has been acknowledged since the times of the ancient philosophers and physicians. Hippocrates, Galen and Paracelsus have all touched on the philosophy of the Law of Similars.
What this means is that a disease can only be cured by a remedy that produces the same or similar symptoms, when given to healthy people, that the disease produces in those who are afflicted with it.
The second principle of homeopathy is that of the infinitesimal dose. One of Hahnemann’s driving forces behind his search for a better system of medicine was his disgust for the medical treatments of the time. The administration of massive doses of poisonous medicines, common at the time, led him to state in par 2 of the Organon, “ The highest ideal of therapy is to restore health rapidly, gently, permanently; to remove and destroy the whole disease in the shortest, surest, least harmful way, according to clearly comprehensible principles.”
He designed his original provings to gradually reduce the dose to determine the smallest dose that would still remain therapeutically effective. By coincidence, what he found was that not only are infinitesimally small doses even more therapeutically effective, but they are also completely free from the side effects that may be present in larger doses.
Homeopathy is a very individualized modality of medicine. It aims to treat the whole person, to bring about a rebalancing of the vital force, and complete disappearance of all symptoms, or in other words, a total cure.
In homeopathy, the remedy is matched to the individual, as well as to the symptoms, so people who have the same symptoms may receive different remedies. The entire makeup of the patient –their constitution – is taken into consideration when choosing a homeopathic remedy. Hahnemann says in the Organon par 5: “In bringing about a cure the physician should consider: the evident physical constitution of the patient (especially in chronic affections), his affective and intellectual character, his activities, his way of life, his habits, his social position, his family relationships, his age, his sexual life, etc.” The remedy is matched in every way to the patient – physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, according to lifestyle, environment and family medical history. Determining whether a person is anxious, overweight, straight forward and light haired, or confidant, thin, artistic and dark haired can make all the difference in prescribing the correct remedy for that particular person. This shows that homeopathy is indeed a “wholistic” form of treatment and it is, in fact, the third principle of homeopathy – to treat the patient as a unique individual and not just a set of symptoms, or the bearer of a disease.
My journey in natural healing began almost 20 years ago. To overcome a recurring bout of bronchitis, a friend suggested I try an herbal remedy instead of the usual course of antibiotics that were obviously not working very well. I was amazed when I recovered in half the time I usually did. What was even more amazing was that my episodes of recurrence became less and less frequent until bronchitis became a thing of the past for me. That did it…..I was hooked….
Within a couple of years, I decided to undertake a course of study in Herbal Medicine with well known herbalist, Cascade Anderson Geller, in Portland, OR. After completing beginning through advanced courses, I was unsure of how to put my new-found knowledge to best use. I was not comfortable with the responsibility associated with asking people to put their health in my hands. However, I had a genuine desire to work with herbs. So, after some brainstorming, and a serendipitous class in herbal soap making, I decided to start a business hand crafting herbal soaps and skin care products. My Christmas gift recipients that year became the guinea pigs for my new line of products. Fortunately, they were all well received and Herbs of Grace was born. (Herb of Grace is one of the common names for Ruta graveolens, or Common Rue.)
My main marketing venue for the first several years, aside from my website, was the local farmer’s market in Vancouver, WA. I had a steadily growing base of clientele and the part-time schedule worked well with my growing family which now includes a husband and three daughters.
When my second daughter, Scarlet, was 10 months old, we attended a birthday party where we later learned we were exposed to strep throat. Right on cue, my daughter developed symptoms that led me to believe she had contracted the illness. After calling our naturopath and describing her symptoms, he confirmed that she most likely had scarlet fever (what did I expect, naming a child Scarlet…) After some research, he advised us to give her Belladonna 30C every 20 minutes for 1 hour and then 3x/day for the next 2-3 days. He said she would probably fall asleep right after the first 3 doses and her fever should break. He also mentioned that the fever may spike again in the evenings, but that was normal over the course of the illness, and that after 2 or 3 days, she should be well. To my delight and relief, she recovered *exactly* as he had described. This experience was a huge turning point in my life and eventually my business. Treating my own illnesses with natural modalities was one thing, but trusting my intuition to forego the mainstream conventional medical treatment in favor of traditional healing wisdom with someone else’s health, moreover my baby’s health, was another thing altogether. This experience not only cemented my trust in alternative medicine, but it also strengthened my trust in myself and my intuitive healing abilities.
In 2004, within months of the birth of our third daughter, our family had the opportunity to move to Japan for a year. I had just debuted a new line of mineral makeup based on the needs of my clients and it was very well received. Somehow, in my sleep-deprived, post-partum state, I decided that it shouldn’t be too difficult to pack up my business and 3 babes, move to a foreign country where I don’t speak the language and set up shop….So, off we went! That year proved not only to be the most challenging, but by far, one of the most enjoyable I have ever had. One of the biggest obstacles I had to face during the course of our stay in Japan resulted in my decision to stream-line my product offerings by discontinuing everything except the mineral makeup line. While this allowed me to focus on what was really selling well, it also took me away from working with my beloved herbs.
However, my business continued to grow, and by the time we came back to the states, my husband and I decided to take the risk and see if my business could provide for the family on a full-time basis, so we incorporated in January 2006. For the past 4 years now, we have been working from our farmhouse in rural western Washington, unschooling our girls, growing some of our own food, teaching belly dance classes on the side and now have Herbs of Grace Natural Look Mineral Makeup placed in over 60 retail locations nationwide.
Our decision has required us to forgo many things. We live closer to the earth, which has been a blessing to me. It has afforded me the chance to grow, harvest and use my own herbs for the first time, and I feel like I am literally getting back to my roots as an herbalist. Having these experiences has ignited in me the desire to incorporate natural medicine into my business… and having had so many wonderful experiences with homeopathy over the years, such as the one I mentioned earlier, I feel like I am now ready for that responsibility. These events led me to the British Institute of Homeopathy to enroll in the General Diploma of Homeopathy program.
I have a deep passion to continue the herbal and homeopathic traditions of the past and expand awareness of more natural, gentle forms of healing. I believe it is important at this point in time to remind people not only of their innate power to heal themselves, but also their responsibility to do just that. Herbalism and homeopathy have been a very empowering force in my life and I hope to share that experience with others. As I continue to add to my knowledge of natural healing modalities, I have decided the best way to share my skills is to put the “herbs” back into Herbs of Grace by offering consultations in natural health, specializing in herbalism and homeopathy.