

At last…a safe and effective method of protection from infectious disease and an alternative to vaccines!  A program developed in Australia by Dr Isaac Golden, “HP” (homeoprophylaxis) has been subjected to a 15 year clinical trial. The results of this study, including the safety and efficacy of HP, are published in Dr. Golden’s recent publication Homeoprophylaxis- A Fifteen Year Clinical Study.

The goal of HP is to introduce into the human system safe, homeopathic versions of particular diseases in order to naturally stimulate the immune system.  As a result, susceptibility to targeted diseases can be reduced.

With Dr Golden’s permission, Kate Birch,  author of Vaccine Free, and Cilla Whatcott  have adapted his program to reflect the needs of families internationally.  Together Kate and Cilla have authored The Solution ~ Homeoprophylaxis The Vaccine Alternative ~ A Parent’s Guide to Educating Your Child’s Immune System.

In addition to protecting your children from infectious contagious disease, your participation and the data received by your participation, will be applied towards the general momentum for establishing HP internationally as a viable option for disease prevention.

Some research has demonstrated that after completion of programs like this, blood titers reflect antibody levels indicating immunity. Blood titers are not a required aspect of this program. However, if you are so inclined to determine your child’s immunity, they can be ordered under the care of your general practitioner.


The Program

•    Individualized 1 hour appointment to explain the program
•    Four years of HP remedies for the most commonly vaccinated diseases
•    Additional remedies for special needs (foreign travel, or disease outbreaks)
•    Four years of any necessary consultation during the program
•    Can be started at any time even if some vaccines have been given
•    No more needles
•    No toxic substances
•    No side effects

This program is suitable for:
•    Children who have not been vaccinated
•    partially vaccinated children
•    Children who have been fully vaccinated.


Overview of the Homeoprophylaxis Program

Supplied with the program are sufficient remedy doses for 1, 2, or 3 children to complete 4 years of Homeoprophylaxis (HP) to the most commonly vaccinated against diseases. Additional remedies may be added to the Main Program if there are special circumstances or needs. i.e., for foreign travel, special concerns, or disease outbreaks. Additional remedies may be purchased separately. The nosodes selected for the Main Program are based on current disease prevalence and or risk factors. If the incidence of any of the diseases not included in the Main Program increases, it is possible to add the pertinent additional remedies. (Hep A or B, Diphtheria, Chickenpox, Rotovirus and Influenza are not a part of the current program for various reasons.)

The goal of HP is to introduce into the human system the energetic components (nosodes) of particular diseases in order to stimulate the immune system to produce immunity. Homeopathic Nosodes, such as the remedies included in the kit provided, are potentized preparations of the relative disease germ or human discharges produced in relationship to that particular germ. Upon repetition of the particular remedy it is understood that some aspect of susceptibility to that disease has been fulfilled. Some research has demonstrated that after completion of programs like this blood titers demonstrate antibody levels indicating immunity. Antibody titers draws are not a required aspect of this program. However, if you are so inclined to determine your child’s immunity at any point during the program, they can be ordered under the care of your general practitioner. Please indicate on the questionnaire forms if you have had blood titers drawn and their results. For those who have been partially vaccinated blood titers may indicate if immunity was generated from vaccination. When this program is funded by a research institution antibody-titers will be included as a part of the program.

*The content of this website is not to be misconstrued as medical advice nor does it replace the consult of a physician or practitioner. Reader assumes the responsibility of investigating for themselves disease prevention and treatment methodologies that concur with their beliefs and understanding.

For more in-depth information or to set up and appointment, Contact Vanessa



Natural Health

For many decades now, our society has been a culture that discourages it’s people from taking responsibility for their own health. We are encouraged to enter into paid, contractual relationships with only those medical professionals who have a degree in medicine. We are convinced to think that only those who attend medical school can possibly know how to take care of our health.  We are persuaded to believe that everything the doctor tells us is fact, and that if we disagree, it must only be because of our ignorance. We are taught to second guess our own intuition regarding what’s best for our health and that of our children.

This state of health care in industrialized nations like the US is actually quite new. We think of modern medicine as having a long history, but it has only been in the last 100 years that the vast array of drugs, such as antibiotics, anti-depressants, blood pressure medication, etc,  that make up the trick of bags of most medical doctors these days, have been available. For hundreds, and even thousands of years before that, people relied on natural healing when they became ill.

In fact, most people had a basic, common knowledge of natural healing and kept and used many medicinal herbs, remedies and healing foods in their homes for those occasions when they might need them, or even for daily use to stay healthy in the first place. This common knowledge of wellness was passed down through the generations and provided the knowledge that most people needed to stay well and healthy. There were those times, of course, when a healer might need to be called in – whether it be a wise woman, medicine man, shaman or homeopath – but the common man and woman not only had a basic sense of how to heal common illnesses, but they were much more in touch with their intuition and innate sense of wellness.

Unfortunately, with the rise of the pharmaceutical industry, the AMA (which go hand in hand, in fact) as well as the processed food industry, much of our intuitive knowledge of healing has been suppressed. We have found ourselves in the position of not knowing how our own bodies work, not knowing how to keep them healthy and not knowing how to heal them.

However, natural healing, no matter how far it has been buried, is still with us, in all cultures, throughout the world. All we need to do is reconnect with our intuition,  re-educate ourselves, school ourselves in the natural methods of healing that are available to each one of us. Natural healing is something that we can incorporate into our lives, everyday, every meal, every breath. It is not hard and it is not expensive. We need to re-lean what foods to eat (or in some cases, what food really is and is not!), what plants can heal and how to breath. We need to remember how to move our bodies and how we are all connected.

Modern medicine definitely has it’s place and it can be a life saver in emergency situations. However, the time has come for everyday healing to be placed back into the hands of everyday people. We all need to take responsibility for our own health and trust the innate wisdom inside each of us that knows how to heal our own body, mind and spirit.

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