
Homeopathy is a wonderfully safe, effective and gentle healing art that was founded in the late 1700’s by a physician named Samuel Hahnemann in Germany.

The practice of Homeopathy is based mainly on three fundamental principles:

* The Law of Similars

* The Infinitesimal Dose

* The Treatment of the Whole Person

The first fundamental principle of homeopathy is based on the Law of Similars; the principle of “like cures like”. Hahnemann called this the similimum. This has also been stated as: Similia Similibus Curentur – let like be cured by like. This concept has been acknowledged since the times of the ancient philosophers and physicians. Hippocrates, Galen and Paracelsus have all touched on the philosophy of the Law of Similars.

What this means is that a disease can only be cured by a remedy that produces the same or similar symptoms, when given to healthy people, that the disease produces in those who are afflicted with it.

The second principle of homeopathy is that of the infinitesimal dose. One of Hahnemann’s driving forces behind his search for a better system of medicine was his disgust for the medical treatments of the time. The administration of massive doses of poisonous medicines, common at the time, led him to state in par 2 of the Organon, “ The highest ideal of therapy is to restore health rapidly, gently, permanently; to remove and destroy the whole disease in the shortest, surest, least harmful way, according to clearly comprehensible principles.”

He designed his original provings to gradually reduce the dose to determine the smallest dose that would still remain therapeutically effective. By coincidence, what he found was that not only are infinitesimally small doses even more therapeutically effective, but they are also completely free from the side effects that may be present in larger doses.

Homeopathy is a very individualized modality of medicine. It aims to treat the whole person, to bring about a rebalancing of the vital force, and complete disappearance of all symptoms, or in other words, a total cure.

In homeopathy, the remedy is matched to the individual, as well as to the symptoms, so people who have the same symptoms may receive different remedies. The entire makeup of the patient –their constitution – is taken into consideration when choosing a homeopathic remedy. Hahnemann says in the Organon par 5: “In bringing about a cure the physician should consider: the evident physical constitution of the patient (especially in chronic affections), his affective and intellectual character, his activities, his way of life, his habits, his social position, his family relationships, his age, his sexual life, etc.”  The remedy is matched in every way to the patient – physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, according to lifestyle, environment and family medical history. Determining whether a person is anxious, overweight, straight forward and light haired, or confidant, thin, artistic and dark haired can make all the difference in prescribing the correct remedy for that particular person. This shows that homeopathy is indeed a “wholistic” form of treatment and it is, in fact, the third principle of homeopathy – to treat the patient as a unique individual and not just a set of symptoms, or the bearer of a disease.


Herbal medicine has been the dominant form of “health care” since the beginning of human culture. Even today, 75% of the world’s population depends on some form of herbal medicine as their primary source of health care.

Herbs are considered nutrient-rich foods and, as such, can be utilized as dietary supplements benefiting anyone regardless of their level of health, as well as complementing and supporting conventional therapy.

Herbal formulations work in a subtle manner that is harmonious and synergistic with the body’s healing processes. The body’s natural defenses are strengthened, allowing it to heal itself. Herbal remedies don’t just alleviate the symptoms of illness, but actually work towards fixing the underlying cause of the problem.

There are many different ways to incorporate herbs into daily life. One of the best and most meaningful is to grow them yourself. When you work with plants on a daily basis, you get to know them, their “personalities”, their energies. You begin to get an intuitive feeling for their affinities, what they can offer to you, how they can help you flourish, while, in return,  you offer them a healthy place to grow and flourish.

Some of the myriad methods of utilizing herbal medicine include tea blends, glycerine or alcohol tinctures, capsules, oil or vinegar infusions, salves, ointments, liniments, compresses and poultices.

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