Natural Radiation Detoxification

With the recent earthquake in Japan, resulting in the instability of several nuclear reactors, many people have been asking what they can do to protect themselves from radiation exposure or poisoning, or what they can do to naturally detoxify their system if they are exposed. The following is a compilation of the research I have been able to find on ways to naturally and safely prevent and/or detoxify your body from radiation exposure/poisoning. I will start out by listing the various protocols that have been shown to be effective, then I will expand on the details.
1. Diet consisting mainly of brown rice, miso and seaweed
2. Other additions to the diet
· Spirulina, chlorella and the algaes (kelp, etc.)
· Brassica vegetables and high beta carotene vegetables
· Beans and lentils and other foods high in nucleotide content
· Potassium, magnesium, calcium and mineral rich foods
· cod liver oil and olive oil
· Avoid sugars and sweets and wheat
3. Clay, Sea salt and Baking Soda Baths
4. Homeopathic remedies
5. Schuessler’s Bioplasma
6. Radioprotective Herbs

Diet of brown rice, seaweed and miso
At the time of the atomic bombing, Tatsuichiro Akizuki, M.D. was Director of the Department of Internal Medicine at St. Francis’s Hospital in Nagasaki and he fed his staff and patients a strict diet of brown rice, miso and tamari soy soup, wakame, kombu and other seaweed, Hokkaido pumpkin, and sea salt. He also prohibited the consumption of sugar and sweets since they suppress the immune system. ?By imposing this diet on his staff and patients, no one succumbed to radiation poisoning whereas the occupants of hospitals located much further away from the blast incident suffered severe radiation fatalities. Much of this positive result has to do with the fact that the sea vegetables contain substances that bind radioactive particles and escort them out of the body.(Tatsuichiro Akuziki, M.D. Nagasaki 1945, London Quarter books, 1981).

Seaweeds are very high in mineral content. Consuming natural iodine, such as in the seaweeds, helps prevent the uptake of iodine-131, while iron inhibits the absorption of plutonium-238 and plutonium-239. Vitamin B-12 inhibits cobalt-60 uptake. Zinc inhibits zinc-65 uptake and sulfur is preventative for sulfur-35 (a product of nuclear reactors) incorporation by the body.?Sea vegetables can prevent assimilation of different radionuclitides, heavy metals such as cadmium, and other environmental toxins.?“ An experiment conducted by J.F. Stara at the Environmental Protection Agency showed that sodium alginate significantly reduced the amount of radio active strontium in the bones of cats. Stara observed that radio active strontium in the bones is resecreted into the intestines where it is bound by alginate, neutralized then excreted in the stools.”

“There is no family of foods more protective against radiation and environmental pollutants than sea vegetables … sea vegetables can prevent assimilation of different radionuclitides, heavy metals such as cadmium, and other environmental toxins.”  Steven Schecter, N.D
Other Additions to the diet
· Spirulina, chlorella and the algaes (kelp, etc.)
· Brassica vegetables and high beta carotene vegetables
· Beans and lentils and other foods high in nucleotide content
· Potassium, magnesium, calcium and mineral rich foods
· Fatty acids, such as cod liver oil and olive oil
· Avoid sugars and sweets and wheat
Spirulina – After the Chernobyl incident in 1986, the Institute of Radiation Medicine in Minsk proved that children experienced enhanced immune systems, T-cell counts and reduced radioactivity on this protocol: 5 grams of spirulina a day for 45 days. Spirulina can be found in most health food stores.

Chlorella –  It is one of the most widely studied of the algaes and has been described as having the highest chlorophyll content. Animal studies indicate a chlorophyll rich diet increases the survival of experimental animals after lethal doses of radiation. Studies dating back to the 1950’s, including a US Army study,  confirm these findings. According Roy Upton, director of the American Herbal Pharmacopeia, the use of chlorella was first developed by the Japanese as an antidote and treatment against atomic radiation. Chlorella and liquid chlorophyll can also be found in most health food stores.

Brassica vegetables and high beta carotene vegetables – Cancer researchers have found that all the brassica family plants protect your cells from the damaging effects of radiation. Beta-carotene has also been researched and found to have radio-protective effects. A study conducted on over 700 children exposed to the Chernobyl radiation found that diets high in carotenes significantly reduced DNA damage in humans exposed to radiation. Natural beta- carotene protects against the lipid oxidation and acts as a fatty acid antioxidant radio-protector.  Brassica  vegetables include broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, swedes, turnips, broccoli raab, collards, cress, kale, kohlrabi, mustard, and bok choi. Beta-carotene can be found in concentrated amounts in foods such as sweet potatoes, carrots, kale, spinach, turnip greens, winter squash, collard greens, cilantro, fresh thyme, cantaloupe, romaine lettuce and broccoli.

Beans and lentils – These foods have high nucleotide concentrations. Nucleotides are the building blocks that make up RNA and DNA. Nucleotides also carry out several critical functions needed for cell replication, as well as neutralizing toxins, increasing cellular metabolism, improving the response and efficiency of the immune system, enhancing the effects of antioxidants and increase the body’s ability to heal and repair. Other foods high in nucleotides include spirulina, chlorella, algae, yeast, sardines, liver, anchovies and mackerel.

Potassium, magnesium, calcium and mineral rich foods – Cesium (one of the radioactive elements released from the nuclear reactor) will be treated by the body as if it were potassium, so a potassium deficiency would tend to make one more receptive to radioactive hazards posed by cesium, says Ingrid Naiman. Potassium regulation is affected by magnesium and magnesium and calcium need to be in proper balance. Calcium significantly decreases the amount of Strontium 90 absorbed by bone.   Foods high in potassium include apricots, avocado, bananas, cantaloupe, honeydew, kiwi, lima beans, milk, oranges, potatoes, prunes, spinach, tomatoes and winter squash. Greens like spinach and swiss chard, nuts and seeds such as pumpkin, sunflower and sesame, and beans like black and navy, are good sources of dietary magnesium. Most of the foods above also contain calcium, especially the dark green leafy vegetables, along with cheese, fish and yogurt.

Fatty acids, such as cod liver oil and olive oil – Two studies from Spain (Ilbanez and Castellanos) showed that olive oil fully protected rats against increasing doses of damaging X-ray irradiation. Other research has shown that in terms of radiation, mice exposed to large doses of radiation survived 50-100% longer than normal if fed cod liver oil.

Avoid sugars, sweets and wheat – This one probably does not need much explanation, but I will summarize by saying that after radiation exposure, the last thing you want to do is eat foods that have been proven to lower your immune function.


Sea salt, Baking Soda and Clay Baths
Naturopath and Chiropractor, Dr. Hazel Parcells (Live Better Longer) popularized therapeutic baths for radiation detoxification. Her suggested protocol was:

Dissolve 1 pound of sea salt or rock salt and 1 pound of baking?soda in a hot bath — as hot as can be tolerated — and soak into the?water until the bath becomes cool. This usually takes about 20-25 minutes. Afterwards, do not shower or rinse the salt off your body for 4-8 hours.

One of the keys to this protocol is making sure the water is hot to start out with, and that you stay in it until it cools down. It is the temperature change that helps to draw the toxins out of the body. Dr. Parcells stated that the best time for this type of bathing is at night when the body is naturally geared to detoxification. One bath per day was her recommendation for acute symptoms of radiation poisoning.

The idea behind clay baths is similar. Clay has incredible drawing, absorbing and adsorbing power. (Adsorption characterizes the process by which substances stick to the outside surface of the adsorbent medium. Absorption is a much more slow and involved process than adsorption. Here, the clay acts more like a sponge, drawing substances into its internal structure.)

Raymond Dextreit, the French naturopath who popularized the clay cure in his own country, says that clay “transcends its purely physical properties. Most of the poisons in the body,” Dextreit notes, “are positively charged, whereas clay has a negative electrical attraction. These toxins cannot resist being drawn toward the clay.”

“Russian scientists use bentonite to protect their bodies from radiation when working with nuclear material, by coating their hands and bodies with a hydrated bentonite “magma” before donning radiation suits.  Bentonite adsorbs radiation so well, in fact, that it was the choice material used to dump into Cherynobyl after the nuclear meltdown in the former Soviet Union.”

There are many types of clay that can be used in therapeutic baths for detoxification purposes. Bentonite, Calcium Montmorillonite, Jordan clay or French green clay are only a few of them.

Dr. Jensen, N.D., D.C., Ph.D., suggests using bentonite to absorb radiation from the bones. Bentonite is probably the most commonly used of the therapeutic clays, but there are around 200 different kinds of bentonite and many of them have a high aluminum content. I have found Pascalite (calcium bentonite) to be the most highly recommended of the bentonites, partly because of it’s low aluminum content. It is suggested to take clay baths no more often than one time per week.


Homeopathic remedies

There are many hompathic remedies for acute radiation exposure and sickness – Radium Bromatum, Uranium Nitricum, Plutonium Nitricum, X-Ray – but these are beyond the scope of this article because they need to be chosen on the individual symptoms of each person who may have been in the immediate area and has had definite exposure. In that case, it would be wise to consult with a professional homeopath alongside any other treatment you are receiving. As a side note, Kalium Iodatum (Kali. Iod.) is the  homeopathic form of Potassium Iodide. Again, it is not necessary if you are not at genuine risk of exposure, but if you are, it may be an option for you.
However, there are also several remedies that may help with more general symptoms, especially mental/emotional symptoms, that people around the world may be experiencing at this difficult time. Here are a few:
Aconite napellus (Acon.): Aconite is the remedy for acute mental shock or fright. It is used when the person is agitated, restless, fearful and anxious (or even in a state of terror) and convinced they will die.
Arsenicum (Ars.) : This remedy is for serious anxiety and fear which can deteriorate into panic attacks.  There is a fear of disease, particularly cancer, dying and extreme restlessness and irritability.
Ignatia (Ign.): This is one of the most common remedies for grief. Ignatia is used for rapidly changing moods with frequent weeping. The person may  display contradictory, unpredictable behavior,  involuntary sighing, sentimentality and homesickness.
Schuessler’s Bioplasma
Another form of natural remedies similar to homeopathy are the Schuessler cell salts (sometimes referred to as tissue remedies), invented in 1873 by W.H. Schuessler MD.  These are commonly available in health food stores. They contain the dilute form of the minerals that are the building blocks necessary for healthy cell growth and replication. They are basically micro dose cell foods prepared by the homeopathic method.
Dr. Schuessler found that when cells were deficient in these minerals,  an abnormal, unbalanced (diseased) condition was produced, so he developed these homeopathic substances to help the body heal itself.
All 12 of the biochemic cell salts are included in Schuessler’s Bioplasma. Taking a daily dose of Bioplasma for a week or two in times of great stress, is a good general practice for helping strengthen the body and immune response.
You can also use any of the individual cell salts separately. One, in particular, is recommended by Homeopath Miranda Castro for consideration if you are concerned about the effects of radiation exposure on the thyroid gland.
Natrum muriaticum (Nat. Mur.): This biochemic cell salt will help protect and strengthen the thyroid and adrenals and can be taken twice daily.


Radioprotective Herbs

These are herbs and medicinal foods that are either rich sources of chlorophyll and minerals, support detoxification and elimination, support the thyroid gland or neutralize free radicals.


Gingko Biloba – while this herb has a history of being radioprotective, it is not appropriate for everyone as it has the ability to thin the blood.
Nettles & Alfalfa – nettles has the highest concentration of land plant chlorophyll and is an excellent source of selenium; alfalfa is a very good source of chlorophyll also – and both these herbs are rich in a broad number of minerals.
Pine Bark Extract, Green Tea Extract, Grape Seed Extract – increase expression of your glutathione system, which results in both metal detoxification and free radical neutralization.
Triphala – studies have found that radiation induced mortality was reduced by 60% in mice fed with triphala.
Tumeric – contains curcumin which is an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory and may help protect against radiation-induced damage to the skin.
Ashwaganda – supports the thyroid and adrenal glands.
Ginseng – can decrease side effects of radiation exposure as well as helping the body to adapt to stress to aid in recovery.
Siberian Ginseng – can help protect against the side effects of radiation exposure and contains selenium.
Reishi – boosts the immune system after radiation exposure
Astragalus – supports thyroid functioning.
Asparagus – another great source of glutathione,  known to assist in the reduction of heavy metals and other toxins from the body, including radiation.
Selenium containing foods – like Brazil Nuts, Sunflower Seeds, Fish (such as Halibut and Salmon) , Eggs, Mushrooms (button, crimini, shiitake), Grains (wheat germ, barley, brown rice, oats) and Onions help protect DNA from radiation damage.
Sulphur containing foods – such as Fish, Eggs, Beans and Peas, Brussels Sprouts, Onions, Cabbage, Garlic, Wheat Germ have been found to protect the body against radiation.
Professional Herbalist, Brigette Mars, has also drawn up a list of radioprotective herbs, some of which are featured here:
Aloe vera gel (Aloe vera) has been found to help heal radiation burns more quickly by its content of biogenic stimulators that encourage skin repair.

Burdock root (Arctium lappa) helps to neutralize and remove toxins from the body. During the Industrial Revolution, burdock was recommended as medicine to help people cope with the increased pollution.

Dandelion root (Taraxacum officinale) improves the function of our body’s organs elimination process. Consider how this plant has done a good job for itself adapting to environmental pollutants.

Eleuthero herb (Eleutherococcus senticosus) can help alleviate fatigue, ameliorate symptoms from chemical and radiation exposure and lessen the effects of stress.

Green and black tea leaves (Camellia sinensis) are antioxidant, immune stimulant, and contain radioprotective agents.

Milk thistle seed (Silybum marianum) helps protect the body from chemical exposure, environmental illness and liver damage.

Peppermint leaf (Mentha piperita) can reduce nausea from radiation exposure.

Red clover blossom (Trifolium pratense) improves health in general, helping all the organs of elimination function more optimally.

Yellow dock (Rumex crispus) improves the function of the kidneys, liver, lymphatic system, intestines and skin thus aiding the body’s natural cleansing process.”

High pectin foods –  like carrots, sunflower seeds and apples have been shown to help keep pollutants from being assimilated.

According to Sayer Ji of “Whereas most of the focus has been on Radioiodine 131 which poses an immediate health risk for 16 days, Cesium 137 remains radiotoxic for 60 years and accumulates at the top of the food chain where we (humans) find ourselves precariously perched. Apple pectin was shown after Chernobyl to accelerate clearance of Cesium 137 from the bodies of children, and should be considered for humanitarian aid to the Japanese.”


It turns out that all of these protocols are common-sense, proactive things that we should all consider doing to support healthy immune functioning, cell regeneration and gentle detoxification on a regular basis.

I hope this article has been helpful for those wanting natural, proactive and common-sense alternatives to the current crisis. However, I also hope that many of you will also be inspired to incorporate some of these health protocols into your daily, or weekly, routine to improve your general health and well-being, as well as to protect your body from the common everyday sources of radiation in our environment.
Please post a comment mentioning the ideas you found most useful and which ones you will most likely utilize yourself and within your family.

Homeopathic Emergency Kit

A basic homeopathic kit kept in the home, or packed along when traveling, can save lots of time, discomfort and distress when those inevitable or unavoidable acute injuries and illnesses strike. No home should be with out one. There are many wonderful ready made kits available online, but it is sometimes more appropriate to put one together for yourself, since you are the one that knows your family’s susceptibilities the best.

Following are some of the most commonly indicated homeopathic remedies needed in minor acute emergencies and illnesses. Choosing the 6c or 30c potency is usually the best option for laypersons and those potencies are readily available. Dosage, in acute conditions,  may be 1 or 2 pellets repeated every 1/2 to 1 hour if necessary, up to 3 doses. Dosage frequency can then be reduced to 3 times a day for a couple of days, if necessary.

Aconite – This remedy is considered the “A” in the ABC of Children’s Remedies. Aconite is indicated at the onset of chills and colds, especially those that begin after exposure to a cold wind. Symptoms can include frequent sneezing, hot clear liquid from the nose, fever and thirst. Aconite is also indicated for mental trauma, fear and shock – ranging from having an argument to witnessing a terrible accident. Irritability, restlessness and anxiety are often present.

Apis – This is a great remedy for stings and bites, especially those of wasps and other insects. It is particularly indicated in bites and stings which burn, itch, sting and swell with redness and heat and feel better with cool applications.

Arnica – One of the most well known homeopathic remedies, Arnica is an excellent first aid treatment for physical trauma of any kind. Falls, bruises, strains, wounds, muscle soreness and swelling yield particularly well to Arnica. It is the first thing I reach for in just about any injury, from mild to severe.

Arsenicum – Arsenicum has many us, one of which is for vomiting and nausea due to food poisoning – particularly from bad meat. It is also an excellent remedy for colds with painful sneezing and thin, watery nasal discharge, where the person is very chilly and thirsty, but only for small sips of water.

Belladonna – This remedy is the “B” in the ABC’s of Children’s Remedies. It is indicated in conditions like fevers and headaches where there is sudden onset, throbbing pains, red, hot skin and dilated pupils. It can also be used for scalds or burns, if there is throbbing present and inflammation is starting.

Bryonia – This remedy is indicated in colds and flus where there is a delayed onset and the person wants to remain completely still because even the least movement makes the symptoms worse. There is a tendency for the condition to spread to the chest with a dry cough that is worse at night. There may also be a great thirst for cold water.

Calendula – Essential for open cuts and wounds, Calendula is an effective antiseptic and speeds healing. Use Calendula topically instead of Arnica on open wounds.

Carbo Veg – This remedy can be used for stomach upsets and food poisoning, especially when the source is bad fish.

Chamomile – Chamomile is the “C” in the ABC’s of Children’s Remedies. One of the symptoms that almost always indicates this remedy is that one cheek is hot and red, while the other is cold and pale. Useful for teething infants, pain and fever, especially in those who are very sensitive to pain. Other symptoms are intense irritability, restlessness, temper tantrums and children who only calm down when carried.

Hepar Sulph – This remedy is indicated when wounds, sores or boil show signs of infections, such as, redness, heat and swelling. Hepar Sulph is a great remedy for abscesses. It is also helpful in colds that have much sneezing and develop thick, yellow, offensive nasal discharge.

Hypericum – This remedy is extremely helpful in wounds and trauma that involve nerve endings, fingers, toes or spine or those injuries that cause intense pain. Things that come to mind are slamming fingers in the door or stubbing the toe.

Ledum – Ledum is the prime remedy to use in puncture wounds. It is also useful for bites and stings that feel cold (opposite of Apis, above).

Nux Vomica – This remedy is indicated in indigestion, nausea and vomiting which results from nervous strain, stress, overwork or overindulgence in food and drink – the hangover remedy. It is also useful in colds where the nose streams in a warm room, but is stuffed up at night. The person is extremely chilly, cannot warm up and is very irritable.

Pulsatilla – Pulsatilla also can be indicated in indigestion, but from rich or fatty foods. However, it is better known for conditions such as earaches, headaches and colds. In all cases there is usually thirstlessnes,  amelioration from the open air and aggravation from warm, stuffy rooms.

Rhus Tox – Useful in cases of joint injuries, sprain, muscular stiffness after over-exertion or exposure to cold and wet conditions, Rhus Tox is also a great remedy for poison oak and chicken pox, as well as colds and coughs. Some of the main symptoms indicating this remedy are restlessness, feeling worse from beginning to move, but feeling better after continued motion, feeling worse at night and from uncovering, but better from warmth.

Ruta – Ruta is used when injuries have occurred to the tendons or cartilage, and especially, to the wrists and ankles.

Urtica Urens – This is an excellent remedy for first degree burns as well as sunburn and nettle stings, or other rashes from plant contact.

Homeopathy Facts

The following is a compilation of excerpts from an article written by Louise Mclean, LCCH MHMA, editor of Zeus Homoeopathy News and

FACT:  Hippocrates ‘The Father of Medicine’ of Ancient Greece said there were two Laws of Healing:  The Law of Opposites and the Law of Similars.  Homeopathy treats the patient with medicines using the Law of Similars, orthodox medicine uses the Law of Opposites, e.g. antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, anti-convulsants, anti-hypertensives, anti-depressants, anti-psychotics.

FACT:  Homeopathic theories are based on fixed principles of the Laws of Nature – unlike medical theories which are constantly changing!

FACT:  Homeopathy is an evidence-based, empirical medicine.

FACT:  Homeopathy is both an art and a science.

FACT:  The Homeopathic PROVINGS of medicines are a more scientific method of testing than the orthodox model of RCTs or double blind trials.

FACT:  Homeopathic medicine awakens and stimulates the body’s own curative powers.  The potentised remedy acts as a catalyst to set healing into motion.

FACT:  Homeopathic medicines work by communicating a current/pattern/frequency of energy via the whole human body to jump start the body’s own inherent healing mechanisms.

FACT:  Homeopathy assists the body to heal itself, to overcome an illness which brings the patient to a HIGHER level of health.  Orthodox medicine suppresses the illness, bringing the patient to a lower level of health.

FACT:  The homeopathic practitioner endeavors to search for and treat the CAUSE of the disease in order to heal the EFFECT.

FACT:  Outcomes of homeopathic treatment are measured by the LONG TERM  curative effects of prescribing and complete eradication of the disease state.

FACT:  The homeopathic practitioner treats the WHOLE PERSON, believing all symptoms are interrelated and seeks to select a medicine which most closely covers them all.

FACT:  Homeopathy works FAST in acute illnesses, slower in chronic illness.

FACT:  Homeopathic medicine has been proven extremely effective in Epidemics such as cholera, typhoid, diptheria, yellow fever, polio and influenza and were used extensively in 19th century.

FACT:  Homeopathic remedies are cheap.

FACT:  Pharmaceutical medicines are expensive.

FACT:  Homeopathy is the 2nd most popular and widely used medicine in the world.

FACT:  There are more than 4,000 homeopathic medicines.

FACT: Homeopathic medicines have no toxic side-effects.

FACT: Homeopathic medicines are NON-ADDICTIVE.

FACT:  In 200 years, there has never been a single homeopathic medicine recalled, unlike pharmaceutical medicines.

FACT:  Every true homeopathic medicine is made using ONE SUBSTANCE – whether plant, mineral, metal, etc. The exact substance is known, unlike most modern drugs where we are rarely informed of the ingredients.

FACT:  Any remedy up to a 12c or a 24x potency still contains the original molecules of the substance and this is known as Avogadro’s number.

FACT:  Every Patient is Unique so homeopathic medicines are individualized.

FACT:  Homeopaths treat genetic illness, tracing its origins to 6 main genetic causes or ‘miasms’: Tuberculosis, Syphilis, Gonorrhoea, Psora (scabies), Cancer, Leprosy.

FACT:  High fevers will drop within minutes after taking the homeopathic medicine Belladonna or Aconite.

FACT :  In the United States in the early 1900s there were 22 homeopathic medical schools and over 100 homeopathic hospitals, 60 orphanages and old people’s homes and 1,000+ homeopathic pharmacies.

FACT:  Members of the American Medical Association had great animosity towards homeopathy after its formation in 1847 and it was decided to purge all local medical societies of physicians who were homeopaths.

FACT:  Big Pharma does not want the Public to find out how well homeopathy works!

FACT:  In 2005 World Health Organization brought out a draft report which showed homeopathy was beneficial causing Big Pharma to panic and the Lancet to bring out an editorial entitled ‘The End of Homeopathy’.

FACT:  In 2005 the Lancet tried to destroy homeopathy but were only looking at 8 inconclusive trials out of 110 of which 102 were positive.  This was a fraudulent analysis.
“The meta-analysis at the centre of the controversy is based on 110 placebo-controlled clinical trials of homeopathy and 110 clinical trials of allopathy (conventional medicine), which are said to be matched. These were reduced to 21 trials of homeopathy and 9 of conventional medicine of ‘higher quality’ and further reduced to 8 and 6 trials, respectively, which were ‘larger, higher quality’. The final analysis which concluded that ‘the clinical effects of homoeopathy are placebo effects’ was based on just the eight ‘larger, higher quality’ clinical trials of homeopathy. The Lancet’s press release did not mention this, instead giving the impression that the conclusions were based on all 110 trials.”

FACT:  There have been many clinical trials that prove homeopathy works.  In the past 24 years there have been more than 180 controlled, and 118 randomized, trials into homeopathy, which were analyzed by four separate meta-analyses.  In each case, the researchers concluded that the benefits of homeopathy went far beyond that which could be explained purely by the placebo effect.

FACT:  The Bristol Homeopathic Hospital carried out a study published in November 2005 of 6500 patients receiving homeopathic treatment.  There was an overall improvement in health of 70% of them.

FACT:  Homeopathy can never be properly tested through double blind randomized trials because each prescription is individualized as every patient is unique.  Therefore 10 people with arthritis, for example, may all need a different homeopathic medicine.

FACT:  Homeopathic medicines are not tested on animals.

FACT:  Homeopathic medicines work even better on animals and babies than on adults, proving this cannot be placebo effect.

FACT:  Homeopathy is safe for women to take while pregnant and safe for old people.

FACT:  Scientists agree that if and when homeopathy is accepted by the scientific community it will turn established science on its head.

FACT:  The popularity of homeopathy has grown in the past 30 years, its revival entirely through word of mouth and estimated to be growing at more than 20% a year the world over!

FACT:  Hundreds of famous people throughout the past 200 years have enjoyed the benefits of homeopathic medicine.

FACT:  The Royal Families of Europe use homeopathic medicine and Queen Elizabeth II of England never travels anywhere without her homeopathic vials of medicine.

FACT:  Homeopathy is practised nowadays in countries all over the world.  In India there are 100 homeopathic medical schools and around 250,000 homeopathic doctors!

FACT:  In a recent Global TGI survey where people were asked whether they trust homeopathy the following percentages of people living in urban areas said YES:  62% in India, 58% Brazil, 53% Saudi Arabia, Chile 49%, United Arab Emirates 49%, France 40%, South Africa 35%, Russia 28%, Germany 27%, Argentina 25%, Hungary 25%, USA 18%, UK 15%.

FACT: The media as a whole has been unwilling to air a defense of the efficacy of homeopathy and the validity of this 250 year old profession.

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