Blueberries and other berries from the Vaccinium family, such as Huckleberries, have many fantastic health benefits.Loaded with anti-oxidants, they are great for increasing circulation in the capillaries, especially in the eyes, as well as other veins and arteries. Blueberries have also been shown to be helpful, in studies, in treating cancer and slowing the growth of cervical, prostate, breast and colon cancers.
Living in the foothills of the Cascades, between Mt St Helens and Mt Rainier gives us the perfect environmental conditions for growing these delicious berries, so we love to take full advantage of this wonderful opportunity every year! One of the more difficult aspects is deciding what to do with the wonderful abundance of berries each summer!
This summer, I decided to try a new recipeĀ – Blueberry Elixir! What a simple and delicious recipe:
- Blueberries
- Raw Honey
- alcohol (brandy or vodka)
- clean glass jar with tight fitting lid
Fill your jar with fresh berries. (You can add a few leaves too.)
Next, pour in enough honey to fill your jar 1/3 to 1/2 way.
Then fill the rest of the way with alcohol. I didn’t have brandy on hand, which would have been my first choice, so I used vodka.
Place the lid on tightly and label. Give your mixture a shake every now and then and your elixir will be ready to strain in 4-6 weeks!
What are your favorite blueberry recipes?